"Criminal Justice – Read It and Weep" Market Reports Newsletter Vol. 3 No. 9 Jan. 12, 1976 pg. 1 (Notes)
"Richard Moore is New Face of Griffin Int'l" Market Reports Newsletter Vol. 5 No. 2-3 Apr. 18, 1977 pg. 9 (Notes)
"More on Richard Moore" Market Reports Newsletter Vol. 5 No. 5 Jul. 12, 1977 pg. 2 (Notes)
"Film Reviews" Market Reports Newsletter Vol. 5 No. 6-7 Sep. 27, 1977 pg. 7 (Notes)
Note: All names credited on this website, whether for
performance or production should be considered fictional stage names.
Any resemblance to actual persons, living, dead or otherwise, is
purely coincidental.