Cadinot began his career as a still photographer but wanted moving action so he switched to films but never liked video because the cable restricted him. His first attempts didn't meet his expectations and were destroyed. The first one that he decided to keep was Scouts I.
He preferred working with young men because they were more spontaneous. He also preferred letting his performers define the direction of the film, using their stories, fantasies and preference to build the story letting them choose their own partners. Shooting a film could take three weeks of work stretched over three months. He chose his actors for the interest in performing rather than interest in money so they tended to stay. Although his family initially rejected him at age 16 when he cam out, he used his mother and nephew as extras and his brother helped with the business end.
Ma révérence
mercredi 23 avril 2008
A tous mes amis, mes détracteurs et les autres.
Lorsque vous lirez ces mots, j’aurai posé la caméra, éteint les lumières, baissé le rideau et tiré mon ultime révérence. Puissent les efforts et le travail de toute une vie, concentrée sur la recherche de cet instant de vérité pure qu’est la communion sublime de deux êtres envoûtés par l’indicible désir de l’autre, inspirer mes héritiers de cœur.
L’être humain est ainsi fait qu’il ne se souvient que du bon et que du beau, je partirai donc l’esprit libre et la tête emplie d’une myriade de jeunes hommes tantôt solides et vigoureux, tantôt fragiles et sensibles. Tous m’auront offert ces moments inoubliables de leur plus tendre intimité, ces instants qu’il est donné à peu de connaître mais que je vous aurai contés en image pour vous permettre de les admirer sans compter.
Jamais la réussite ni la fortune personnelle ne furent mon credo. Vous m’offrez la reconnaissance, je vous en remercie car je n’aspire à rien d’autre. Cadinot vous salue, souvenez-vous d’un bonhomme observateur à l’extrême avec ses coups de gueule et ses contradictions mais à l’écoute des autres et tout plein d’amour.
«Un phallus dressé est un symbole de vie, une croix est un symbole de mort»
Jean Daniel Cadinot, photographe et cinéaste, s’est éteint le 23 avril 2008 à l’âge de 64 ans à la suite d’un arrêt du cœur.
My final bow
Wednesday 23 April 2008
Dear friends, critics and others,
If you're reading these words I will have put down my camera, switched off the lights, drawn the curtains and taken my final bow. May all the efforts and work of a whole life, the quest for the moment of pure truth in the sublime communion of two beings under the spell of the undefinable desire for the other, inspire those who inherit my heart.
The human being is made such that it only remembers the good and the beautiful, therefore I leave you with a free mind and a head overflowing with a myriad of young men, sometimes strong and vigorous, sometimes fragile and sensitive. All of them gave me these unforgettable moments of their most tender intimacy, moments that only a few really know but which I made in to images to allow you to admire them over and over again.
Never were success or personal fortune my creed. You offered me gratitude, and I thank you for that because I wanted nothing else. Cadinot salutes you. Remember a kindly fellow, an extreme observer given to rages and contradiction but who listened to others and was full of love.
"An erect phallus is a symbol of life, a cross a symbol of death."
Jean Daniel Cadinot, photographer and film-maker, passed away on the 23rd of April aged 64 following a heart attack.
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year | title | studio | category | rating | alias | type |