Distributor | Released | Vendor ID |
Athletic Model Guild | 1959 | G-3 |
Performer | Action |
Boris Demitroff | nonsex |
Jerry Lewis | nonsex |
John Krivos | nonsex |
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It is the birthday of young Demitrius (Boris Demitroff) and his father (John Krivos) has a gift of a very valuable ring. He instructs the young slave boy (Jerry Lewis) to bring Demitrius to his chambers. Demitrius is swimming at the time and the slave momentarily forgets his task and the two frolic in the water, but suddenly remember the tie, quickly dress and go to the throne room where the gift is presented. In the celebration which follows the slave accidentally spills wine on the father's tunic and the old man is angry and threatens to send him away for good, at which the boy runs into the garden in tears. Demetirus follows after trying to console him. As an ultimate gesture, Demitrius give Jerry the ring just given him. The father sees this happen and is so angry that he intends to whip the slave, but the son stands in front to protect him. The angered old man banishes them both, but then weeps as he sees them leave.