Distributor | Released | Vendor ID |
Athletic Model Guild | 1959 | R-15 |
Performer | Action |
Bob Rozzi | nonsex |
John Krivos | nonsex |
Robert Rex | nonsex |
AMG promo:
The Triton (John Krivos) and his playmate, the water sprite (Robert Rex) play gayly in the sea, when the Triton tires and lays down for a nap. While the sprite is off playing by himself, he gets entangled in a fisherman's net, and the latter (Bob Rozzi) drags him into shore. As soon as the net is removed, the sprite runs back to the sea but is enticed to return at the sight of a beautiful pearl the fisher boy takes from his basket. The sprite is enchanted as the fisher boy makes a beautiful ring for him. They play and the fisher boy shows the sprite other interesting marvels of the land-world such as a mirror and a comb. In the meantime, the Triton awakens and missing the sprite blows his horn for him. The sprite feels a compulsion to go to the Triton in spite of the fisher boy's entreaties to remain. When the sprite come near the Triton with the fisher boy net far behind, the Triton sees the pearl ring on the sprite's finger and strikes him in a rage. The fisher boy and the Triton then struggle but the Triton soon disposes of the fisher boy, picks up his sprite and carries him back into the sea.