Distributor | Released | Vendor ID |
Colt Studio | 1971 | MV-12; MV-128 |
Performer | Action |
Brian Dexter | solo |
Stoner (colt) | solo |
Stoner isn't your usual auto mechanic. Not by a long shot. On the street, you'd certainly catch the impact of his extraordinary good looks, but you wouldn't get a clue to his lifestyle. Well, Colt takes you behind the scenes - from Stoner burning up the highways on his powerful motorcycle to home - and Stoner's little secret. We got it all - including that very important phone call.
Derek notes:
Brian Dexter was never credited for this but appears in most of the nude footage as the man Stoner calls on the phone.
Excerpts from Dick Trask's soapy shower solo from WATERWAYS is inexplicably edited into this loop on the VHS and DVD releases of Rip Colt's Sex Rated Home Movies.
This was the first Colt loop to be released in both super 8mm and regular 8mm, as all subsequent releases would be.