Distributor | Released | Vendor ID |
Athletic Model Guild | 1959 | B-14 |
Performer | Action |
Baker | nonsex |
Bob Rozzi | nonsex |
Keith Rogers (60s) | nonsex |
Marcus Price | nonsex |
Mike Ostrow | nonsex |
Nelson | nonsex |
Richard Kleine | nonsex |
AMG promo:
RICHARD KLEINE plays the role of a young bodybuilder who is thrown into reform school. Being a progressive institution boys are permitted a few belongings and Dick has brought dumbbells and cables to keep up his build, but the other boys ridicule him when he attempts to use them. The big bully of the group tears Dick's muscle pinup photo from the wall and when /dick defies him, Dick is forced to shine the shoes of every boy in the dormitory. The next day in the shower, the bully forces Dick to wash his feet and then as a reward plants a heel in his rum and sends him sprawling. The angry bodybuilder has had enough and they brawl. In spite of dirty tactics by the bully, the bodybuilder wins and from then on everything is different in the dorm. All the boys now read physique books instead of girlie books, do their exercises regularly etc.