Sir Gee No. 22 pg. 32
Body Beautiful No. 38 pg. 10,12
R.A. Enterprises. Body Beautiful No. 38 pg. 55 (Advertisement)
Modern Adonis No. 43 pg. 5,6
Grecian Guild Pictorial No. 64 1967 pg. 3
Tomorrow's Man Vol. 15 No. 9 Sep. 1967 pg. 36
Bobco. BeefCake No. 2 1969 pg. 60 (Advertisement)
Physique Pictorial Vol. 20 Dec. 1971 pg. 30
AMG Calendar 1976 pg. 3
Note: All names credited on this website, whether for performance
or production should be considered fictional stage names. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living, dead or otherwise, is purely
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