"The Groovy Guy Contest" Spree News Pictorial Vol. 3 No. 9 Aug. 1971 pg. 30 (Pictures)
"Dateline" Vector Vol. 7 No. 10 Oct. 1971 pg. 43 (Notes)
Colt. "Saddle Tramps" QQ Magazine Vol. 3 No. 6 Nov.-Dec. 1971 pg. 16 (Pictures)
"The BODY Brawn" Body Vol. 1 No. 3 Jun.-Jul. 1972 pg. 4 (Pictures)
Paris Theatre. The Advocate #98, Nov. 8, 1972 pg. 31 (Advertisement)
Gay Times #11, 1973 (Cover)
David Jade. "Gayflicks: J.C. Super Dud" Gay Times #2, 1973 pg. 12 (Review)
David Jade. "Gayflicks: 'Two Hits, One Miss'" Gay Times #10, 1973 pg. 21
John Marvin. "Kenneth Sprague AKA Dakota" In Touch Vol. 2 No. 2 Nov. 1974 pg. 28 (Essay)
Siebenand, Paul. The Beginnings of Gay Cinema in Los Angeles: The Industry and the Audience. Los Angles, CA: USC, 1975 pg. 37,40,75,104,105,184,271-273
Michael Llewellyn. "Homosex in the Cinema" Mandate Vol. 2 No. 22 Feb. 1977 pg. 33 (Essay)
Calston Industries. Gay Times #68, 1978 pg. 24 (Advertisement)
Colt. "Men of the West" Honcho Vol. 1 No. 5 Sep. 1978 pg. 10 (Pictures)
"The All-Male Film part 2" Stallion Vol. 1 No. 3 Jun. 1982 pg. 24 (Essay)
"Scatter Shots" Manshots Vol. 2 No. 7 May 1990 pg. 29 (Letters)
Note: All names credited on this website, whether for performance
or production should be considered fictional stage names. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living, dead or otherwise, is purely
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